by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Space blunders which did not cost any lives

Space guys,  it seems, are all the same world over, whether Indian or American.

2006 - GSLV failure : Regulator failure led to launch vehicle breakup (The Deccan Chronicle)
The Failure Analysis Committee (FAC) constituted by the Indian Space Research Organisation to investigate the GSLV F-2 launch, has concluded that the failure of a propellant regulator in the fourth engine was the main reason for the break-up of the vehicle.

The error happened at the time of fabrication.  The specification for the bore was 16 mm while the measurement of the cavity inside the chamber was found to be 17 mm.  As a result, the chamber pressure could not be stabilised at 5.85 mega pascal. It reached 7.11 MPa at 2.8 seconds. This was much beyond the design limit and the engine failed.

--------Johnny Wiseguy says : Who was the contractor ?  Will he be blacklisted ?  ---------

2006 - DESIGN FLAW LED TO GENESIS PROBE CRASH: Sensors Installed Backwards  (NASA)
2 years after NASA’s Genesis probe failed to deploy her parachute upon re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere, investigators have found the culprit behind the crash: A design flaw resulted in the backwards installation of two critical sensors. Genesis was doomed from the start.   In their design of the probe, subcontractor _*Lockheed Martin*_  *inverted the two accelerometers* that were supposed to trigger parachute deployment. Because of the error, the sensors never recorded the craft’s deceleration, an event that would have signalled that the craft had entered Earth’s atmosphere.

--- Johnny Wiseguy says : No wonder they are appropriately nick-named 'Lackhead Martian'  --------

1999 - NASA: Human error caused loss of Mars Orbiter   (CNN)
In a scathing report, an investigation board concluded that NASA engineers failed to convert English measures of rocket thrusts to newton, a metric system measuring rocket force.  One English pound of force equals 4.45 newtons. The difference between the two values caused the spacecraft to approach Mars at too low an altitude and the craft is thought to have smashed into the planet's atmosphere and was destroyed.

The prime contractor for the mission, _*Lockheed Martin*_ measured the thruster firings in pounds even though NASA had requested metric measurements.

----- Johnny Wiseguy says : Use the fingers ... Pull them out & use them to count --------


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