by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Pluto is now Asteroid #134340

It seems renaming is the new game in town.
First it was the cities - Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkatta etc.

Then they went after states (well almost states) - Pondicherry into Puducheri

We already had countries - Burma to Myanmar.

Now they are after Planets - & renamed Pluto to Asteroid #134340

What next ?
Maybe I should rename myself "Human #3016976900475794816"*

------- Johnny Wiseguy asks - If an asteroid is on a crash course with Earth (a la the Bruce Willis movie Armageddon); Will they name it OBL ?  >:)  ------


*The number 3016976900475794816 is this Blog ID.

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